Detached vs. Semi-detached Houses

Detached vs. Semi-detached Houses: Which one is better?

Lets compare between Detached vs. Semi-detached Houses.

A detached house is a stand-alone residential structure and it does not share its external boundary wall with any other house or building.

A semi-detached house is a house that shares its one external boundary wall with another house. That is, the house shares one common boundary wall which is a small portion of the house, with another family’s house. Semi-detached houses are like a pair with one common wall, they are generally the mirror-images of each other. Initially, the idea of semi-detached houses was to have double cottages that resulted in lower costs and in lesser time as compared to detached houses.

Both in the case of detached and semi, the plot of land is also bought by the house owners.

Here are some of the differences between the Detached vs. Semi-detached Houses


Generally, the semi-detached houses are smaller in size. Indoor space and outdoor spaces are less as compared to detached houses. The cost of construction is also lower in the case of semi-detached houses.

Comparison of Prices

 The cost of a semi-detached house is at least 25% cheaper as compared to a detached house. So people save on cost after going for a semi-detached house. The cost of the house, as in the case of any other property will depend on the location of the house. A detached house in a lesser-known area may cost lesser than a semi-detached house in a more affluent area.


In the case of a semi-detached house there is a possibility of sharing the responsibility of some maintenance with your neighbor. This can result in some cost savings and will be more convenient.


In a semi-detached house, there is a possibility of disturbance due to noise from the neighboring house due to poor soundproofing. There are semi houses available with good soundproofing. You need to ensure that if you are more sensitive to noise. In a detached house, you can live in peace without any disturbance from the noise caused by the neighbors and at the same time you free from the worries that your neighbor may get disturbed in case you have some get-together or party at your house.

Privacy and freedom

if you are looking for privacy, then the choice between Detached vs. Semi-detached Houses, a detached house would be better. Then you have the independence of making any alterations of your choice. You are free from the botheration of consulting your neighbors for any repairs or changes to be made in the house.

Family expansion

In a detached house you make alterations if have need it due to the expansion of the family.

Final word

Finally, the choice to buy a detached or a semi-detached house depends upon your needs, liking and the amount of money you want to spend on buying the house. You can take advice from an experienced real estate agent to reach the right decision.

We at ……….. have rich experience of the real estate market and can guide you to your dream house. You can get in touch with us and we together can discuss the options and help you decide.

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